The circuit schematics found in this course are designed to illustrate an operational or theoretical hydraulic system showing the interaction of components to achieve a desired output. This course is designed as a means of reviewing or reinforcing concepts to test candidates and cannot possibly cover every application of a component within a hydraulic circuit. Fluid Power system design experts developed the circuits in this course that are intended to represent a specific application or the use of a component within a circuit to illustrate the typical usage.
What you will download
Color-coded, animated, and voiceover .mp4 and .wmv files of each circuit operation using ANSI recognized colour designations. Each circuit shows the sequence of operations within the hydraulic circuit as well as the flow paths during operation.
Key bullet points for each circuit from Study Manuals to assist in the understanding of the components’ function and interaction within the circuit. Click on circuit sample to get an understanding of how the course teaches hydraulic.
Course duration
There is no specific course duration the animated hydraulic circuits are downloaded for use at any time.
The course teaches how hydraulic components are selected and how they perform in a circuit to achieve the desired design objective.